Work Hard and Work For Workers to Become the Best CEO in The World

Ko Katanuma
3 min readJan 31, 2021

When you hear the tile CEO, people may automatically think all those billionaires in their mind. But what exactly they do that makes them look like they are those rich people and what would it take for anyone to be a CEO?

I have always known or heard the term CEO, but never fully understood what that title meant. According to the article that I read from Corporate Finance Institute, “CEO is the high rank individual within the company or organization who are responsible for overall success and of their business or their organization.”. The definition is really simple, but to better understand the importance of the position of CEO, I have interview one of the managers of the business in Hawaii called Toa Luau. Pilli Lafaele was more of on operational side of their business, so He is COO, but he knew the CEO well, so I asked him a few questions regarding the position of CEO.

There were many things that he has shared with me in the interview, but one thing that learned from him was, “Being a boss doesn’t mean have others to tell what to do and you do nothing, but rather you work harder than anyone else.”. This idea that he has shared was stunning to me, because I’ve always thought that because CEO and all those people that are high rank in the company are just getting paid by having other people do all the work for them. But because of Phill, I have different mindset of what CEO does and what they are responsible for.

In the article, many responsibilities and roles that CEO has were listed. Leading the development of company’s short-term and long-term strategy was one of them. The company’s goal is to glow and to gain more from their revenue, and strategies are important for the company to achieve that goal. CEO is the one who makes the business decisions, but now a days because many businesses are forced to make necessary decisions to keep their company running while COVID-19 is affecting the all the businesses in the world.

Some companies are being faced with the challenge of needing to lay some workers off to maintain the business. What Phill shared was “It is my responsibility to make sure that his workers will always have work, COVID-19 does not make any excuses to lay someone off. As business owner we are responsible for the workers as well.”. This is a difficult thing to do as the CEO, especially Toa Luau is in the tourism industry and COVID-19 affects their business directly.

One principle that I have learned from the interview was that when the business is in the tough situation, the company needs to look for alternative ways to make money and to always look for ways to be more creative. When I think of all the companies that are being successful during this COVID-19 are usually the company that has been always creative and CEO has the huge role in making those decisions.

